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rapid evolution of MSMB was noted in past studies of primate, rodent, and bird sequences [25,26], and was attributed to either low selective constraint or positive selection. We found highly significant signs of positive selection within primates (p , 0.001), with an estimated 42% of codons showing a d. N/d. as determined by population genetic parameters. Kimura and Ohta [33] derived formulas for the age of neutral alleles that first achieve a given frequency in a population: tx(0) = 4Ne ˆ 1 x x ln(1 x)+1 ˙ (3) where x is the frequency of a neutral allele in the population after an average of t generations, having 10/04/2011 01/03/2000 effect (M. Kimura) The four causes of organic evolution: 1. MUTATION: fuel of evolution, random 2. SELECTION: only known cause of design 3. DRIFT: powerful retarding force, random 4. MIGRATION: quick way to get more fuel Migration (very straightforward) What is it? Movement of alleles between populations What causes it? Kimura did not assume that the additive variance stays constant in his model. In fact, his numerical examples (his Tables 1 and 4), show huge changes in the additive variance. As illustrated by my reanalysis, such changes are influenced by the strength and direction of the epistatic interaction, and “Kimura proposes that the majority of molecular changes in evolution are due to random drift of neutral or nearly neutral mutations.” Licensing Author/Source John C. Avise 1994. Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution, p. 42. Chapman & Hall.

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Jan 4, 2016 As a consequence some fundamental questions in evolution can (Fisher 1930) , one of the 3 founding fathers of population genetics, RA. or at the probability that these mutations would get fixed (Kimura 1983), NC

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